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Mobile app developer

A mobile app developer is a computer software developer whose main objective is to fulfill the responsibilities that comprises of creating, testing, and programming applications for computers, cell phones, and tabs. Custom mobile app developers have great knowledge of various coding languages and have expertise in using those languages. Many of the developers work with graphic designers, data scientists, and various other software experts to develop mobile applications. They check and test the mobile applications in order to fix the bugs if any occurred before launch.

Hire best mobile app developers team in India

Frantic Infotech is one of the best leading mobile app development companies in India providing flexible alternatives to hire mobile app developers. Our flexible hiring models will help you to connect with your developer personally, you can easily assign the work to him, and can watch the overall development of your application. We will assist you to rise up your team, also will help you to supervise your web portals or business mobile app.

Our company comprises of huge team of top mobile app developers for hire that are tremendously qualified to provide you feature rich and functional mobile apps.

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Hire dedicated mobile app developer team from us that follow the business based and nimble strategy to bring client vision into reality by sending uniquely crafted mobile applications. Frantic Inofotech is a mobile app developer company that makes sure that our clients will get an expert app developer with best delivery records. If you are looking for dedicated mobile app developers near you at your budget and fast turn-about time do allow us to help you.

The mobile app development process followed by frantic developers

Beneath we have talked about stages of mobile application development which assist you with developing complete mobile application improvement methodology to fabricate quality mobile applications for your business.

Project need discussion

Project need discussion

The underlying phase of mobile application advancement process includes examining about the project. We will have a run of the mill call, easygoing, short, just to distinguish assuming we can help you on the off chance that we can take this undertaking forward.

Business perception and estimation

Business perception and estimation

After counsel with you, we have a start up gathering, wherein we choose the colleagues and give proposals or ideas to your application development. Our cycle in the gathering begins with a QA contribution and experiment accessibility. The early contribution empowers QA to comprehend client necessities better. Application stream related inquiries get settled in the extremely beginning stage. When prerequisite investigation and plans get freeze QA begins with the experiment creation. It requires 20% additional work of anything that endeavors we have assessed for testing. We attempt to cover the most extreme positive and negative test situations while composing experiments. We likewise make a test plan record to characterize the testing degree and goal however it relies on the project prerequisite. This permits us legitimate expense assessment for your application and gives an attainable idea of a genuine portable application or site.

Wireframing of application

Wireframing of application

This is one of the critical mobile application development stages after the project undertaking, necessities are perceived and specialized techniques (Slack, Skype, Basecamp) are set, the topic of how long will it require to plan an application emerges. The planning part is the most complex part of creating mobile applications. Prior to beginning the development, it is fundamental to finish wireframing steps in mobile application development.

App development

App development

In the wake of meeting up with application plans, the mobile application designers get down to bring everything right into it. The undertaking director characterizes assignments to the designers and creates application development step process to accomplish the set achievements. You ought to recollect that there are numerous application development technologies out there, nonetheless, you ought to continuously pick the innovation which suits your mobile application development needs.

The process of app development is divided into 3 parts: Backend development: This segment contains the data set and server-side items expected for your mobile application's supporting functionalities. On the off chance that you're utilizing a current back-end stage, you might have to roll out certain improvements to oblige the ideal mobile abilities. API Integration: API interface joining should be done to make correspondence conceivable with the application and backend servers. Front end development: It is crucial for plan an intelligent UI of the front end. Indeed, even as a rule, when the application expects to work without the web, neighborhood information capacity use is required also. To make the mobile application usable for everybody, it is proposed to plan an intuitive and drawing in front-end. Just the ideal mix of front end and back end will make an application intuitive and usable for the end.



Whenever you choose to develop a new application, it is inescapable to continue to test the application. It helps in keeping the expense low and developing a subjective application. The farther in you go into the mobile application development cycle, the costlier it becomes to fix the bug. While creating mobile applications whether it is a hybrid application or native mobile applications, before the finish of the application uncovers to the world, the course of application development incorporates the testing of the mobile application by our QA group. Who runs different tests to ensure that the application works perfectly. The application is tried to check its convenience, similarity, interface checks, and execution. We have around 50 iOS and Android gadgets to check, find, and fix gives that emerge because of UI. The gadgets come in various aspects, screen sizes, OS variants. Along these lines, this sort of testing guarantees that there are no functionalities that are making the issue the application when it is live and utilized by the application clients. For monitoring your mobile application testing stage, QA sends a delivery note with each form discharge. We create and test at the same time to track down bugs as soon as could really be expected. Equal testing is done when a module s created or achievement is finished.



When the application is tested, it is sent in the creation climate or first UAT (User Acceptance testing) is finished relying upon the client assumption. On account of UAT, a copy of the creation climate is made and the client alongside the developers does the testing. In the event that the client tracks down the application true to form, close down is given by the client to go live.

App Analytics Dashboard


As the application gets in the possession of application clients, criticism will pour in and for future renditions of the application, you should join that as an application update. Each application will require new elements and innovative updates, consequently this is the last mobile app developer process step. Ordinarily, when the main adaptation of the application is delivered, the advancement cycle starts once again.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to hire mobile app developer in Frantic Infotech?

Ans: It is very much easy to hire ios mobile app developer, mobile game app developer, or mobile app developer responsive design in Frantic Infotech. You just need to confirm your budget and list all your requirements of you application and then the company will provide you the developer according to your budget.

2. Where to find mobile app developers?

Ans: One can easily find mobile app developers from free lancing websites, tech blogs, colleges, Google, or many other ways too.

3. Who is the developer of an app?

Ans: An application designer is a programmer who plans, makes, tests, projects and updates applications for a specific gadget like versatile or web or a particular working framework. Application developer commonly spend significant time in one area of advancement, similar to a cell phone application.

4. What is income of mobile app developer?

Ans: According to data introduced on Payscale, the normal compensation for an Android Developer in India is ₹3,76,000 each year (₹508.68 each hour). Application designer pay in India can go from ₹154k to ₹991k.